Studijní obory
Státní škola s právním a ekonomickým zaměřením nabízí dva studijní obory (pouze denní studium)
- 68-43-M/01 Veřejnosprávní činnost
- 75-41-M/01 Sociální činnost
Obor Veřejnosprávní činnost ve dvou vzdělávacích programech
Pro obor Sociální činnost vzdělávací program
Dny otevřených dveří jsou 21. října, 25. listopadu 2024 a 13. ledna 2025 vždy od 16 hodin.
Podrobnosti o přijímacím řízení na tyto obory naleznete zde.
Specialist Secondary School*, Prague 5, Drtinova 3/498 – specialising in public administration, legal and social studies.
The school offers 3 programmes:
- Law and Diplomatic Services
- Legal Academy
- Law and Social Studies
Open Days:
- 16th October, 2023
- 27th November, 2023
- 15th January, 2024
Drtinova School is part of the Faculty of Education of Charles University. The subject focus is primarily law and foreign languages, including English, German, Russian and French. The school benefits from participation in a metropolitan programme, allowing the inclusion of extra language lessons, including lessons with native speakers and also lessons in legal English.
Furthermore, the school benefits from two language laboratories, free high speed internet access throughout the school, air-conditioned IT classes, two gymnasiums, an outdoor playing field with fitness equipment, and excellent public transport links.
Thanks to our close co-operation with other institutions such as the Czech Parliament, the Czech Senate, Municipal Authorities and Metropolitan University we organise many seminars hosted by diplomats and other relevant specialists.
The school arranges for students to obtain professional experience in various institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. This prepares our students either for starting their work careers, or for continuing their further education at universities.
If you are interested in knowing more about our school, or have any questions, please contact us on or send an email to and we will be pleased to provide you with more information.
* Official name: Střední odborná škola, Praha 5, Drtinova 3/498